In honor of my survival of month #1 of the school year, I figured a compilation post highlighting some of Eila’s newest discoveries would be appropriate. She learns something new every day whether we like it or not. Our mobile munchkin exhausts us daily - but there’s no better entertainment in the world!
Eila’s new favorite toys are the recycling can and Zoe’s food dishes.
Monkey see, monkey do! Me thinks it’s time to give up on pop drinking! |
Mouth Munching:
Eila’s new teeth have her putting absolutely EVERYTHING in her mouth.
Kid plug #1 |
Kid plug #2 |
The Hallways:
Whether exploring via parent-mobile, wagon, or pug-power, Eila’s on the move!
Who’s walking whom? |
Of course, with all this extra exploration, we’re bound to earn some battle scars.
Doors & Baby heads don't mix well. Youch! Good thing Eila’s gotten good at growing skull. |
When not having her clothes borrowed by her big sister, Eila enjoys picking out momma’s clothes...or at least pulling them out.
"Does wearing a sleep sack mean I can sleep all day?" |
It’s blue! Just like my eyes, Mom! |
While she was hanging out in the closet, Eila discovered a new love in her life...herself!
When we absolutely need to know that Eila will be where we last left her - we put her in her baby bouncing pad. The few moments she doesn’t spend feeding her older sister Cheerios from the exer-saucer she spends spinning.
This discovery was in honor of Eila’s cousin Eli’s
fabulous 6th birthday extravaganza.
I’m pretty sure these two speak the same language. |
And sometimes we just don’t know WHAT ON EARTH Eila’s discovering....
No matter what she’s learning, you can rest-assured that Eila’s getting into mischief somehow. Not to worry, though. Adam is a big believer in tough love. When enough is enough, we simply put our little explorer in structured time-out.
She’s currently serving a life sentence in our hearts. |