The key to a successful blogpost is usually some sort of a common thread to tie all the pictures together. All I’ve got for January, however, is Joy. The joy of fun, family, and of course, food.
Pretty much the minute we arrived home, Eila decided she really wanted to mail herself to the holidays in Omaha.
FedEx or UPS? If it fits I sits! |
This is actually a really momentous photo - though I didn’t know it at the time when I took it. Eila’s daycare misunderstood a message and went cold-turkey off of bottles to sip cups during the day. Not wanting to send our munchkin too many mixed messages we followed suit and stopped giving her bottles, too. This was, in fact, her last bottle of milk. (Psst - don’t tell daycare that she’s still getting a binkie at bedtime when she’s home.)
Goodbye old friend! |
On the other hand, there’s nothing momentous about this picture - I just love this face. It’s usually accompanied by some pretty good nose snuffles.
Our daughters try to look alike, sometimes. |
Mid January brought the NFL playoffs. Thanks to Great Aunt Kay and Uncle John Eila was well-outfitted for the occasion. Unfortunately our little 12 didn’t bring the Seahawks much luck - but she sure looked cute playing the part!
Adam worked hard to explain the finer points of football strategy to Eila. |
Cute? Yes. Pickpocket? Also Yes.
What do you mean I can’t have any gum? I have six whole teeth! |
And sometimes we just go shopping to kill an hour before bedtime.
Only YOU should shop for shoes. |