Kara passed the “care for Callie” baton off to NomiAnn with only one day of overlap. There’s nothing like having a baby to make you wish you lived closer to family. If casual living is a sign of love when living with houseguests, NomiAnn should feel VERY loved because we were VERY causal during her visit. In fact, we may have been so casual that we forgot to take many pictures!
One memorable adventure came one drizzly Presidents Day when we couldn’t get in to the Bellevue Children’s museum, but opted for delicious DimSum instead. Eila enjoyed the kid friendly dishware.
“Can I have some DimSum?” |
After brunch we headed over to BellSquare for some time on the playground. It was a kid-zoo, but Eila held her own on the Northwest themed playspace equipment.
High fives atop the ferry |
Anders wasn’t quite ready for the playground yet, but still looked pretty dapper in the Eila hand-me-down duds. Thanks Wells family!
NomiAnn helped us navigate the tricky parts of taking Eila to her first swim classes. It turns out our two year old should have been born with gills!
“We’re going fishing, fishing fishing and we’re wishing, wishing, wishing for a....Eila-fish!" |
Grandson snuggles in Anacortes. |
Most of the time, though, we just stayed around the house and played or made checkmarks on the to-do list. Maternity leave with NomiAnn power is a force to be reckoned with.
Eila’s learning to help with laundry. |
These two nosey ladies share a truly special bond. We’re so lucky to have a NomiAnn unlike any other.
Who NOSE how much I love you? |