I gave it a valiant effort. When we became pregnant last year one of the first things that Adam wanted to do was start looking for a car to replace my sweet little Sapphyr. I was adamant (read: stubborn) that I didn’t want a new car. For one, my old car Sapphyr was an extremely generous gift from my favorite mother-in-law and a constant reminder of how lucky I was to marry into such a generous family. For two, Sapphyr has been an amazing zoom zoom car that is tons of fun to drive and still, twelve years later, turns heads with her cute tail lights and spinning steering wheel daisy.
The perfect get-away car! How could we readily part with such wonderful memories? |
Everyone advised that a two door car would be a bad idea with a new babe - but I insisted that not everything in our life needed to change with Eila’s arrival.
I was wrong. There it is - in black and white - go ahead and push print, Adam.
It took just six months of contortionistic baby seat/stroller antics to change my mind. That, combined with Sapphyr’s breaking of the #1 rule...she woke the baby! While her Turbo spoiler gives her plenty of pick-up, it is also quite noisy and more than once woke Eila up just as we’d lulled her to sleep. Deal breaker!
Allow me to introduce Miss Periwinkle the Prius...Peri for short.
100% Mom-Mobile. Next stop: Mini-Van |
An Arizona transplant - we waited for several days for Peri to make her way North. We are thankful that her previous owners took good care of her and that her sellers were reasonable in their price expectations.
This is what Eila thought of car shopping. |
Though I feel good about the transaction overall - it’s never easy to write a check QUITE that large.
We celebrated the arrival of our newest family member with a fancy dinner out with our newest six month old! Doc says she’s supposed to be eating big people food now, but she has pretty much zero interest in all of the homemade purees we’ve made in preparation of her momentous move to solids. Thus - an introduction of day-old Jimmy John’s bread!
Naturally, our little munchkin is going to be a carb-oholic like her parents. |
Now that I actually have a car with hauling capacity, you may wonder how we get all of our precious cargo into the house. Another new transportation addition to the Wilhoit household is tons of fun for babies, pups, and groceries alike.
Easier than the stroller! |
P.S. We waited months and searched super hard for one of these collapsible wagons. We finally gave up and ordered one online. Within a week our Costco started selling them and I saw a nearly identical one in Target. Once again, we’re unwitting trendsetters.
As summer draws near and with so many new wheels in our lives the Jr Wilhoits will definitely be on the move. Everyone who wants to is welcome to join us!