

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Eila explores Aylen

I try hard to leave my work at school and family at home, but sometimes necessity dictates that my two worlds collide.  Last weekend I drug Adam and Eila into school to work on some projector issues.  While Adam worked his magic, Eila and I explored the classroom.

Singing her first song in front of the risers.
How about a document camera close-up of my daughter’s vocal chords?

Is this really the best place for me to learn to crawl?
A baby on a baby...grand that is!
Not photographed were Eila’s exploration with baby maracas, Japanese jingle bells, and a tambourine.  She was pretty musical in all areas.

Our afternoon of work behind us, it was time to unwind with some dinner and delicious pizza.  As Eila dives into the 6 month world of solid foods we have a new endless source of entertainment during meal times.  While she still won’t take anything off of a spoon - she’s happy to munch on whatever pieces of big people food we can safely offer.  She may not get much nutrition - but she’s sure having fun!
Cinnamon Magic Pop


  1. Wonderful, smiley baby photos ... I particularly like the grand Eila smile on top of the baby grand piano. It reminds me of the old Sonny & Cher program (sort-of), in which Cher reclined on the grand piano and sang something about being "sort of a vamp".

    BTW: Since you live in the northwest, what is the definition of "vamp" in musical terms there? (choose the correct answer below ... I'm composing a quiz):
    1. (in jazz and popular music) a short, simple introductory passage, usually repeated several times until otherwise instructed.
    2. A new "Twilight Musical" set in Forks, WA.

  2. Still can't get over that adorable tongue. As Zoe's sister, it was just meant to be. :)
