If you haven’t seen Eila in a while, you may be under the false impression that our sweet little cherub remains stationary when you put her down. Once Eila finally got her knees under her it sure didn’t take long for her to begin taking off on her own adventures. Here are a few of her antics from early August:
It all started with a pull up. I’ll never forget the first time I set Eila down in the family room and found her when she started to panic because she had pulled herself up on the stool and didn’t know what to do next.
Now what?!? |
She wasn’t too traumatized, though, because a few minutes later I found her doing this.
The next day I celebrated another anniversary of turning 21 myself. Eila and I enjoyed a simply lovely day doing barely anything noteworthy at all. We did take time, however, to enjoy our favorite guard hedgehog in the hallway given to us by our favorite Wheeler clan.
I felt a definite theme this year in my birthday collections. |
We never caught it on camera, but Eila certainly enjoyed teething on HedgDog’s nose a bit. |
A big tent-like package arrived the next day from NomiAnn and Papa Kay. While Eila adores the sweet shade relief it provides on sunny days at the park and beach, she REALLY liked the bubble wrap in which the shade shelter came packaged.
Have you heard that bubble wrap is an endangered species? Apparently the company that makes the bubbly wonderfulness has revamped their technology so that we will no longer get to enjoy the “pop.” I’m glad I have at least one photo to show Eila in decades to come that she did get to “pop” once in her life. |
I promise we do actually have real toys for her to amuse herself with! Here she is playing with her exersaucer...in perhaps a slightly less conventional way.
Peek-a-boo! |
Of course, when she’s up to real mischief, sometimes Eila feels the need to eat her own words.
Can I buy a vowel? |
Sometimes the mayhem becomes too much for Eila’s momma and she really needs a nap. That’s when it becomes Daddy Daughter Date Day.
And the game of peek-a-boo continues... |
I like the bubble wrap photo! I still find it satisfying to pop bubble-wrap bubbles and Eila is getting a head start on this fun activity. There is even a website available for the "no mess" bubble wrap enthusiasts.