Eila has a GREAT daycare - and it’s becoming even more fun. For the first few months, Eila received nearly undivided attention as her daycare provider had only recently opened her doors to munchkin clients. Every now and then I get a surprise on my phone when Jamie sends an update of Eila’s day. I live for those snapshots of her life when away from home.
Eila and Jamie - our AMAZING daycare guru. |
Jamie has one gorgeous little girl named Leah, who is definitely momma’s little helper.
Leah helps Eila keep her binky in place. (You’re not going crazy - I’ve posted this pic before - but it makes more sense here.) |
Things are getting more crowded, now - which is just fine with Eila since she’s make cute new friends.
Baby Cassidy and Eila. Cassidy may be younger - but she comes from a longer and leaner stock than our little Ball Babe. |
And they're off...(Well, they’re at least off of their backs...) It won’t be long now before the baby racing begins. Is it just me or does Eila look like a SERIOUSLY old man in this picture? |
Double trouble...I’m pretty sure these little ladies are discussing trade secrets and solving world hunger. If only we could understand their solutions! |
Perhaps you can translate! Jamie caught the tail end of what was apparently quite an in-depth conversation. They both crashed soon after - exhausted by their vocalises. Perhaps a soprano duet is in their futures?
Such adorable daycare pals!