You may have noticed an absence of new postings the past few weeks. We’ve simply been far too busy having far too much fun to stop long enough and post pictures. Now that we’re home the thought of documenting summer's adventures feels overwhelming, but I know it won’t get better by postponing, so I’m pulling off the procrastinators Band-aid and just going to start.
Speaking of Band-aids, I’ll be honest, the trip started off on a rough medical note. Eila and I were scheduled to take a red-eye out of Seattle to Albany. The day we were meant to leave was a long one with an unusually fussy baby girl. That evening, after running a few last minute errands, we stopped at Panera for dinner. Intending to have a nice quiet meal as a family before Eila and I departed, dinner ended suddenly when Eila deposited the entirety of her stomach contents onto her daddy’s shirt. Projectile vomit is a real thing, people.
Fortunately/unfortunately, this also happened to be the same day when United Airlines’ entire computer system went down for several hours resulting in delays across the country. As I watched our 10:45pm departure turn into a midnight flight, which then turned into a 1:45am departure, Adam gave the very smart suggestion that we just call and see if it wouldn’t be possible to catch another flight out the next day. Un-eager to bring a puking babe on a cross country plane trip in the middle of the night - I agreed and we were scheduled for the first flight out the next day.
While Eila slept well that night, as Adam fed her early the next morning before taking us to the airport, she once again tossed her cookies. A call to the Group Health Nurses led us to believe that she would likely be fine to fly - so off we went. Cue the bells of regret.
I love [hate] this picture because it so clearly illustrates the misery of our arrival to the East Coast. Items of note: sleeping/sweaty babe (naked because of all of the changes of clothing she’d already soiled), a bottle full of pedialyte, her insurance card with RN hotline number, and Mom’s bed...because she slept nearly exclusively in someones arms for the entirety of her illness. |
While not exactly easy, my prayers were answered and Eila was a bearable flying companion who did not shower any of our plane mates with partially digested delicacies. That’s where the good news concluded, however. Papa Kay and Aunt Kara picked us up from the airport to bring us over to Vermont - but Eila’s clean streak ended there. She pretty much spent the next 36 hours losing all of her feedings. This culminated in a midnight trip to the Glens Falls ER for some seriously miraculous tummy-settling drugs which led to a much happier baby and baby's mama.
Brooklyn takes a turn taking care of the sicko. |
While I stand by the statement that I would have given ANYTHING to help my babe feel better - I should also admit that a small part of me enjoyed the extra snuggles and cuddles from our usually prickly pear. You may notice Eila sleeping in several of our Vermont pictures - something highly unusual for our napless 8 month old ball of wiggles and squiggles.
OK - now that the medical drama is out of the way - bring on the fun. We had a wonderful time enjoying Lake St. Catherine with Grandpa Grandpa, GranElaine, and the Wheeler clan.
Papa Kay prepares the inflatables for fun with the help of some munchkins. |
We have a ringer! Annika is looking particularly safe and happy. |
Once the toys were ready, it was time to head out onto the water. The weather was gorgeous - bright sun and clear skies.
The Wheelers are ready for fun! (Eli really was smiling - just shielding from the sun) |
And here’s the fun in action. Grandpa Grandpa sure knows how to give a good ride! |
Back on dry land we continued to find ways to entertain ourselves.
Eli and Brooklyn play with Eila on her $2 garage sale playmat. I have no idea why it looks like she has a huge bruise on her head. |
As usual, Talia found a more energetic outlet for her energy.
Extreme swinging! |
My suspicion is that it was also Talia who entertained herself by drawing this caricature of Eila. I love the binky on the puppy binky holder and her little hair squiggles. |
As amazing as all of the lake house toys are, the real reason we came to the Northeast was for the people.
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