There’s no place like home for the holidays - particularly when you get to spend it with family. The Wilhoits really know how to party this time of year considering the number of extra birthdays they get to celebrate between December 24 and the 28th. We were so lucky to have the Grosch family drive over from Montana with three of their four munchkins (unfortunately Jimmy was busy celebrating with his Mom this year). Considering their newest family member, a Great Pyrenees named Mongo was a 45 pound three month old at the time - I’m sure it was tight quarters in their car as they made their way across the mountain passes. We're so glad you made it!
Mongo meets cousin Claire! |
I’m not sure my lap is big enough for this puppy - but I don’t mind the squish one bit. |
Cute as Mongo is, this little man is really the heart-throb of the bunch.
It’s hard to believe how big Mr. Franklin has grown since the last Christmas we spent together two years ago! |
The Stimson family drove up to Anacortes on Christmas Eve to celebrate pre-Christmas and Happy Birthday time with Adam.
Adam gives his new Super Mario Bros. T-shirt a try. I'm pretty certain he's worn it at least once a week ever since. |
Meanwhile, Aunt Kay took her turn to play with Eila. It’s a good thing our Bump is cute, because she doesn’t make it easy for anyone to eat at a table! |
Eila had her own birthday song to sing to her papa. |
Christmas morning came, and Eila gave her parents the best gift possible - a truly silent night and a full eight hours of sleep! Even Zoe joined in the snooze-fest.
Sleeping Sisters |
Once everyone was finally awake - it was time for "ripping and tearing.”
Eila’s ready for the day! (Actually - she napped the entire Christmas morning - another gift!) |
Franklin’s first gift of the morning was definitely a favorite - a whole basket of colorful balls to collect, dump, and re-collect. A toddler’s dream! |
Franklin didn’t just enjoy his own presents - he got to enjoy Grandpa Steve’s Olaf, too! While I'm bummed I didn't get a picture of the kitty cat coin bank that will forever live in infamy from this year - Aunty Aunt Kay managed to get a video - which really will better portray the joy that followed each and every coin snatch. |
Later in the afternoon, we ditched cabin fever by running off to the water for some beach combing and a spontaneous full family picture. It was a truly gorgeous day. Check out Lee’s short sleeves!
The whole family with a ferry in the background. |
Back at the house, it was time for some rest and relaxation.
Lee, Franklin and Zoe snuggle in together. |
Eila enjoys some Auntie Leya time. |
Oh no! We forgot to open one of the packages! It’s got a bow and everything. |
“Don’t look so sad, Zoe. Christmas bows come but once a year..." |
The next few days were a whirlwind of visitors and quality family time. It was so nice to just have time to sit, chat, and be goofy together.
We somehow managed to give Eila a special Christmas gift of her first cold. Here is her introduction to the Nose Frida - a miraculously disgusting contraption that allows Adam to suck the schnutz out of her schnoz. While she was less than thrilled - I think watching us fumble our way through the process was plenty amusing for the rest of the family. |
Leya and Lee find their bunny ears as they show off their pointy fangs. |
Special family friend Pat made Eila this beautiful quilt. Eila, true to form, timed her sleepiness just perfectly so that we couldn’t get a picture of her with Pat and her blanket - so we had to settle for a cradle picture. Rest assured the quilt has already received tons of love in the nursery at home. |
Here Eila was slightly more social for a visit from Steve and Linda’s neighbor. A former daycare provider, she had a real special touch with our little fuss-pot. |
Then again, it’s possible I’d be fussy, too, if my Auntie Aunt and Cousin Melissa were trying to eat my toes! |
Hitting another jackpot, Eila’s modeling another homemade blanket made by another Pat! We use this amazing hand-knit blankie as a “new-parent-proof” swaddle blanket. Instead of needing the fancy folding - I just wrap Eila up in the long, skinny blanket like a pig in a blanket. More often than not, Eila will just cuddle in to the snuggly yarn and go right to sleep. Miraculous! |
Finally, it just wouldn’t be Christmas without a friends and family Christmas party at the Croswhites. The Wilhoits and Grosch family all headed south first to drop Lee off at the airport and then further down the road to Kent. The first order of business was, of course, to play pass the baby.
Kristin took her rightful place as baby napping expert. Eila pretty much just passed out with Kristin for the duration of the festivities. |
Kristin and Rodney’s son Kaden gets a turn holding the babe. |
Darla’s mom, Evelyn was a regular baby whisperer. |
With so much fun and excitement - it’s no wonder that this was what we found in Eila’s car seat when we finally made our way back to our little home in Puyallup.
Sweet dreams and happy holidays!
Positively precious! Thanks for sharing.