Our original plan was to welcome 2015 to the world in style back up at our favorite San Juan Bed and Breakfast with Oma and Opa and the Grosch family. Unfortunately, our first born - little Miss Zoe unfortunately threw out her knee joint on one of her legs on our journey home from Christmas. This left slick, beautiful wooden floors such as those at the Sr. Wilhoit residence a poor match for our recovering pugaroo - so we day tripped up instead.
Before we left - it felt appropriate to take a quick sisters picture. Zoe’s cute vest came from her best dachshund cousin Beanie...and it just so happened that Eila’s choice of clothes for the day was a perfect twinsie fashion statement.
Something tells me this is just the first of many coordinated outfits our two daughters will share. |
Eila shows off her new car seat insert from Uncle Ron and Aunt Astrida. The fuzzy cushion has it’s work cut out to protect our munchkin’s sizable noggin’. |
While Zoe spent the day recovering at Camp Ellie at the Venables homestead, we enjoyed time back on the beach at Bowman Bay with the rest of the family.
Leya searches for beach glass. |
Franklin’s looking for a good time and sporting his cute Boggs! |
Eila and her momma enjoy a symbiotic relationship where they cuddle together for warmth inside of Opa Steve’s incredible wold sweater. |
The hat was inherited from cousin Eli - but was made by Oma Linda five years ago! |
Speaking of Oma - here she is basking in the beauty of the glorious day with her Grandpup Mongo. |
Party of three! |
We put ourselves back on the road so as to be home well before the New Years revelers even headed out for the evening’s celebrations - and can quite honestly not tell you if/what the Jr. Wilhoit’s did to celebrate the New Year’s arrival. Suffice to say that if we welcomed 2015 at midnight - it was only because Eila demanded it at the time. Good thing she’s cute!
Did we mention Eila learned to smile over the Holidays?
Happy 2015! |
Such fun pictures! I love the matching sister outfit. :)